photos from around the world

Archive for November 12, 2010


Today’s been a bit of a tough day. One of those days where you doubt everything that you try to believe in. Several of the signs I turn to in these times (horoscopes, tarot, i ching) have centered on the idea that I must leave the little, the petty things alone. I can’t control them and shouldn’t try. It will blow over. Except, it seems so much bigger than that – I’m tired. I must follow my dreams, turn to my dreams when I need strength, lean on them. Do I really want to fight this fight? What’s it really worth?

I’m a very honest person, too blunt at times I’m told. I don’t like to, as I see it, sugar-coat the truth because someone else can’t handle it. Today it seems as if that approach would have just been easier. How far can we go with our beliefs and integrity without just hurting ourselves? Is the stress worth the honesty when honesty is no longer an integral part of human life?

Time to image myself on a boat in the middle of the lake, letting the storm roll in. It’s one of those days where my mood and the weather are in harmony.
